Danielle van Hees, also known as DAANI, has been a part of the freestyle community for years.

In 2007 she started spinning oldschool house records on vinyl, and from that moment on it became clear music is her ultimate passion.

She possesses an incredible musical-vocabulary and she has the ability to mix any genre fluently because of her versatility. Her heart lies within the harder styles but she certainly isn’t afraid to mix that up with some other BPM's if it feels right. In that sense she overrides all boundaries.

Her most dominant source of power becomes crystal clear the moment she comes on stage. Transforming into a motivated but most of all passionate woman, that lives and breathes music. This translates into a whole new world of entertainment.

She completely wraps the crowd around her finger like no-one else and consistently delivers a fantastic show.

With divergent bookings like Sunrise Festival, Pussy Lounge, De Zwarte Cross and DefQon.1, but also for instance the TT of Assen, she has really made a name in the Freestyle scene.

Get your socks knocked off by DAANI!

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